Monday, November 28, 2011

Flu Virus Animation from NPR and XVIVO

Robert Krulwich at NPR does a great series called "Krulwich Wonders," and he ran a story last fall on viral infection. He showed (and explained in plain English) a terrific flu virus animation put together by the folks at a company called XVIVO Animation, who made the animation for a different company called Zirus, who are working on research in antivirals.

Orginal story here: Flu Attack! How a Virus Infects Your Body

and video below:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Favorite Eukaryote: Gulo gulo

Here is the first segment from the wolverine movie we started in class. You can find the full video at

Watch the full episode. See more Nature.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Useful Resources for Eukaryote Papers

As you continue to research your favorite eukaryote, consider using some of these sources for additional information. If you find more useful websites that your classmates could use, please share them in the Comments section below. Mention the name of the website, what kind of information is on it, and include a link.

ARKive - Images of Life on Earth
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Factzoo - fact pages and pictures of curious creatures
National Geographic
The National Zoo
Defenders of Wildlife

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Final Exam Review

In addition to the review packet that you have, and the PowerPoints on LIS organisms that are posted on our class page (and StudentShare), feel free to ask questions here in the Comments section. I'll check each night to answer. Please read the comments first to see if anyone has already asked your question. If you'd like to chime in with an answer, feel free to do that too.

Monday, January 31, 2011

World's Fastest Solar Car Record

A team from the University of South Wales has broken the land speed record for a car powered entirely by the sun.  I read about this first from a post on the blog Open Culture, which is a terrific resource for all things related to media and education.  You should check them out.

As we're learning about renewable energy, I thought you'd be interested to watch this clip.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wolf and Moose populations article

Please read the following article on wolf and moose populations tonight.

We'll discuss and answer questions on the article and graphs in class.