Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Long Island Sound Resources

As we start our spring unit on the Long Island Sound, it would be helpful to bookmark The Long Island Sound Study website. We'll be reading the publication Sound Health, and you can access that document online (and save the pdf to your computer). We'll be talking about the impact that the millions of people that live around the Sound (including us) have on this important ecosystem. Please watch this video for more information on estuaries.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Web Search Strategies

As you start researching for environmental debates, it's important to know how the internet works. I know that you think you know how the internet works, but just watch these two videos. They should help you get some better results out of the Google machine. Both are from Common Craft's In Plain English series.

 On basic search strategies:

 This one explains why certain websites get ranked higher on Google's results. Understanding this can help your business get ranked higher on searches, but for us, can help to see that the top hits aren't always the best results, just the most connected ones: